Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Pour postponed due to bad weather

Friday 19 Mar 2021

A poor weather forecast meant the difficult decision to postpone Thursday's planned concrete pour for the main slab of the boat hall. This turned out to be a good decision with heavy rain on Thursday afternoon which would have spoilt the finish. The pour has been rearranged for Tuesday 23rd March with all of the steel fixing, shuttering and positioning of bolt sets all now ready and waiting.

Work was able to progress in other areas.

The north capping beam connecting the ILB and ALB ramps has commenced with blinding laid and steel fixing completed. Shuttering for this will start next week.

The timber piles around the southern and eastern perimeter are all installed and the piling equipment has been taken away. Planking across the piles has started and the upper terrace should be completed next week followed by the lower level.

Service and tanks installation on the northern part of the site has continued and will be going on next week before a final fill and completion of the capping beam.


Capping beam progressing between the ILB ramp and the ALB ramp to the north

Capping beam progressing between the ILB ramp and the ALB ramp to the north
18/3/21 Mackley

Ready for concrete pour for the main slab... but bad weather means it has had to be postponed

Ready for concrete pour for the main slab... but bad weather means it has had to be postponed
19/3/21 Mackley

Adding planks to the timber piles around the perimeter of the site

Adding planks to the timber piles around the perimeter of the site
19/3/21 Mackley

The upper terrace of planking nearing completion

The upper terrace of planking nearing completion
19/3/21 Mackley

Installing planking on the perimeter

Installing planking on the perimeter
19/3/21 RW

Installing planking

Installing planking
19/3/21 RW

Capping beam progressing between the ILB ramp and the ALB ramp

Capping beam progressing between the ILB ramp and the ALB ramp
19/3/21 Mackley

Capping beam progressing between the ILB ramp and the ALB ramp to the north

Capping beam progressing between the ILB ramp and the ALB ramp to the north
20/3/21 RW

Between the sheet piling and capping beam and the timber works

Between the sheet piling and capping beam and the timber works
20/3/21 RW