Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Slab poured - a major milestone

Saturday 27 Mar 2021

A milestone was reached on Tuesday with the concrete slab for the main building finally being completed. Having been postponed from last week due to the weather, the steel fixing, shuttering and position of bolt sets were checked on Monday and the concrete poured on Tuesday.

Other areas have also come on apace.

The concrete capping beam around the site was also completed, with the final northern section connecting the ILB and ALB Ramps being poured between Wednesday and Friday.

Planking around the perimeter of the sheet piles and capping beam has continued, with the upper terrace complete and the lower terrace well under way. Once this is done, closure sections will be added to the ends, the area backfilled and guard rails installed.

Service and tanks installation to the north has continued through the week, the bulk has now been installed apart from a small section of drainage and the wash down tank to the west plus two hydrant chambers. This will allow the north section to be trimmed to level this week so the apron in front of the building can be constructed.

Chambers to the south, such as the ground source heat pump manifold and rainwater harvesting tank, have been built up to allow further fill to the south section.

Grouting on the ALB ramp resumed after being postponed due to poor weather, with most of the bolt and lifting holes filled and brushed. Timber baulks will be added soon.

The shuttering for the main concrete slab has already been stripped and preparation has started for pouring upstands next week. Once these are done, damp proof course works can be completed. This will make the site ready for Reside contractors to start on the actual building. Reside's masonry gang are due on Tuesday 6th April to complete the first two courses of blockwork around the building which will enable Mackley to complete backfill and finishing works around the building.


Shuttering and steel fixing in place ready for the concrete pour

Shuttering and steel fixing in place ready for the concrete pour
23/3/21 Mackley

After last week's delay, the last major concrete pour is started

After last week's delay, the last major concrete pour is started
23/3/21 Mackley

After last week's delay, the last major concrete pour is started

After last week's delay, the last major concrete pour is started
23/3/21 Mackley

Service chambers being constructed south of the building

Service chambers being constructed south of the building
23/3/21 RW

Concrete pouring for the building slab

Concrete pouring for the building slab
23/3/21 RW

Concrete pouring for the building slab

Concrete pouring for the building slab
23/3/21 RW

Services installation

Services installation
23/3/21 Mackley

Completed building slab

Completed building slab
23/3/21 RW

Finishing off the completed building slab

Finishing off the completed building slab
23/3/21 Mackley

Finishing off the completed building slab

Finishing off the completed building slab
23/3/21 RW

Finishing off the completed building slab

Finishing off the completed building slab
23/3/21 RW

Capping beam being completed between the ILB and ALB ramps

Capping beam being completed between the ILB and ALB ramps
24/3/21 Mackley

Concrete work at the top of the ALB ramp

Concrete work at the top of the ALB ramp
24/3/21 RW

Planking around the site continues

Planking around the site continues
27/3/21 Mackley

Timber planking around the edge of the site

Timber planking around the edge of the site
27/3/21 RW

Grouting continues to ALB ramp with bolt and lifting holes filled

Grouting continues to ALB ramp with bolt and lifting holes filled
27/3/21 Mackley