Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Outline of building starts to appear

Monday 5 Apr 2021

Following on from the completion of the building slab last week, upstands have been constructed and work started for the damp proof course around the building. For the first time, the outline of the building and the areas within it are becoming visible. This will be even more obvious next week when the first areas of blockwork are constructed to the north and east.

Work on chambers to the north and south has continued, with fill and compaction to both areas, in readiness for the apron slabs in front of and behind the building to be built.

The timber work around the sheet piled perimeter of the site and capping beam has been completed and the terraces formed will now be filled and compacted.

Work on the ALB ramp will start again with timber baulks to be drilled and fitted and further grouting where required.

As contractors from Reside start to work on the building, the present Mackley team will be finishing their work in the next few weeks. The final tank, the washdown tank, needs to be installed and all the services within site linked up and completed. Some service works external to the site will also be completed, including service runs for the fuel lines and some chambers.


Upstand construction on the main slab

Upstand construction on the main slab
31/3/21 Mackley

Filling around underground chambers

Filling around underground chambers
31/3/21 Mackley

Upstands on the main building slab

Upstands on the main building slab
31/3/21 Mackley

Work on upstands and damp proof course

Work on upstands and damp proof course
31/3/21 RW

South east side of site being filled and compacted

South east side of site being filled and compacted
31/3/21 RW

Upstands and damp proof course work on main building

Upstands and damp proof course work on main building
31/3/21 RW

Fill and compaction work to the north of the building

Fill and compaction work to the north of the building
31/3/21 RW

End closures on the timber planking around the site

End closures on the timber planking around the site
1/4/21 Mackley

Outline of building starting to appear above the concrete slab

Outline of building starting to appear above the concrete slab
2/4/21 RW