Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Good progress on the last stages of groundworks

Friday 16 Apr 2021

Progress continues around the site with Mackley finishing up the groundworks stage of the project. The damp proof course and initial blockwork has been installed around the building. The wash down tank has been installed and all of the chamber, water and service runs are being completed in careful sequence.

The concrete apron slab in front of and behind the building is being constructed and is now around half complete. There will be more concrete pours next week with a view to possibly completing the apron by the end of the week.

The timber planked terraces around the south and east of the site have been partly filled and compacted and end timber sections back to the capping beam installed. More obviously, installation of a guard rail around the southern and eastern edges, made of Ekki planks, has started, working from the beach bank along the capping beam.

Timber baulks have been drilled and fitted down the ALB ramp and grouted where required. There's some finishing works still to do after which a handrail will be installed in the first week of May.


Damp proof course and block work being installed

Damp proof course and block work being installed
6/4/21 RW

Filling in the timber terraces on the eastern side of the site

Filling in the timber terraces on the eastern side of the site
8/4/21 Mackley

First section of concrete apron between the building and the ALB ramp

First section of concrete apron between the building and the ALB ramp
8/4/21 RW

Work starts on constructing the concrete apron between the building and the ALB ramp

Work starts on constructing the concrete apron between the building and the ALB ramp
8/4/21 Mackley

Back filling the planked terraces around the perimeter of the site

Back filling the planked terraces around the perimeter of the site
8/4/21 RW

Installing damp proof course and first rows of blockwork around the building

Installing damp proof course and first rows of blockwork around the building
13/4/21 RW

Damp proof course and first rows of blocks installed

Damp proof course and first rows of blocks installed
13/4/21 RW

More of the concrete front apron being constructed

More of the concrete front apron being constructed
13/4/21 Mackley

Wash down tank being installed

Wash down tank being installed
15/4/21 Mackley

Installing Ekki planks onto the capping beam to form a guard rail

Installing Ekki planks onto the capping beam to form a guard rail
15/4/21 RW

Ekki planks being installed to provide a guard rail around the site

Ekki planks being installed to provide a guard rail around the site
16/4/21 Mackley

Progress with the guard rail

Progress with the guard rail
16/4/21 RW

Concrete apron almost complete, looking from the ALB ramp towards the building, ILB ramp on left

Concrete apron almost complete, looking from the ALB ramp towards the building, ILB ramp on left
16/4/21 RW

Washdown tank being installed

Washdown tank being installed
16/4/21 RW