Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Mackley finishing up

Friday 14 May 2021

The first phase of construction for the new lifeboat station is all but completed and the site is suddenly looking both tidier and emptier.

After some minor delays, all services have all been connected up. This means the area to the south of the new building can finally be filled and levelled. Many outstanding minor jobs have been completed on both ramps and to timber works and the base of the building, including adding the handrails down either side of the ALB ramp.

As well as tidying up the site itself and taking kit and rubbish away, the contractors have levelled the beach beyond it to the current lifeboat station as it had been repeatedly dug up and reprofiled as needed during the build. It is hoped that this section of beach can be reopened to the public in the near future.

If all goes well, Mackley will be leaving the site by 21 May.

Contractors Reside officially take over the site from Monday 17th May and will be responsible for phase 2 - construction of the boathouse building and fitting out of the area around it. They will start by bringing their equipment on site and rearranging the boundary fencing as needed. The new building's frame will then be erected and should be completed by the end of June. As scheduled, it will then take approximately 12 months - until early Summer 2022 - to complete and fit out the new boathouse.


Levelled beach beyond the new lifeboat station

Levelled beach beyond the new lifeboat station
12/5/21 Mackley

Connecting services to the site

Connecting services to the site
13/5/21 RW

Tidying up the site beyond to the north of the ILB ramp

Tidying up the site beyond to the north of the ILB ramp
14/5/21 Mackley

Completed ALB ramp with handrails added

Completed ALB ramp with handrails added
14/5/21 Mackley

ALB ramp with handrails

ALB ramp with handrails
13/5/21 RW

Finished terracing ready for planting

Finished terracing ready for planting
12/5/21 RW

Completed terracing

Completed terracing
14/5/21 Mackley