Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Working up to Christmas

Friday 31 Dec 2021

Work has continued through a dark December, often in cold and windy conditions. With temporary doors and plastic sheeting fitted to keep the weather out, most of the changes have been out of sight. Services are being installed with the underfloor heating system being much progressed. On the first floor crew room and facilities, a terracotta tiled floor has been added which will be heated by the ground-sourced heat pump system and uinderfloor pipework... a final floor covering will be placed over these tiles. Many of the interior walls are now visible though as yet lifts and final staircases are not in place.

The site has been tidied up and left looking smart for the Christmas break. Del's nursery in Fakenham kindly loaned a Christmas tree and we are grateful to Reside for making a stand and helping put it into position. The RNLI has also supplied a display Arancia-class lifeboat originally for the carol service but now doubling up as an added attraction over Christmas.


Temporary doors and plastic sheeting to keep out the weather

Temporary doors and plastic sheeting to keep out the weather
3/12/21 MP

West side of building

West side of building
9/12/21 Mp

Gift shop and engagement space

Gift shop and engagement space
18/12/21 RW

Boat hall

Boat hall
18/12/21 RW

Crew changing area

Crew changing area
18/12/21 RW

Crew room with terracotta tiles for underfloor heating

Crew room with terracotta tiles for underfloor heating
18/12/21 RW

Sample section of exterior cladding on east side

Sample section of exterior cladding on east side
18/12/21 RW

Foggy December day

Foggy December day
18/12/21 MP

Christmas tree being moved into position

Christmas tree being moved into position

Tree and decorative Arancia-class lifeboat set up for Christmas

Tree and decorative Arancia-class lifeboat set up for Christmas
22/12/21 MP

All ready for Christmas

All ready for Christmas
22/12/21 RW

Terracing planted with marram grass donated by the RSPB

Terracing planted with marram grass donated by the RSPB
26/12/21 MP