Wells new Shannon boathouse
Wells Boathouse Build
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Emerging from the scaffolding

Thursday 30 Jun 2022

Just over a year after the first part of the frame was craned into position, the new boathouse is starting to look finished outside with cladding and signage in place and the scaffolding around it being taken down. There are still some groundworks to take place with steps and ramps up to the public entrance door. external lighting and finishing off and landscaping to the south of the building.

Inside, there is still some fitting out work to do such as building benches for the crew room but the major tasks have been completed and indeed items such as public information displays, signs and chairs are starting to be delivered and put in place. It looks a little less tidy than it might because the builders have temporarily moved into the building while completing their work, their site offices behind the beach cafe having been vacated and removed.

It is now anticipated that the building wil be ready to be handed over to the RNLI by the end of July and the shop and public areas opened in August with, ideally, the inshore lifeboat also moving across and operating from the new building during the summer holidays. The station's Mersey class all-weather lifeboat will continue to operate from the old boathouse for the time being.

The station's new Shannon class RNLB 13-46 'Duke of Edinburgh' is also nearing completion. The boat will be leaving her build slot inside the All-Weather Lifeboat Centre and lifted into the water soon for the final stages of fitting out, sea trials and snagging. It is expected she will set sail for Wells towards the end of September and she will take over as Wells' lifeboat some weeks after that once crew training has been completed. We still do not have firm dates for when the boat will be formally named or available to view but will publicise these as soon as we can.

In the meantime, training for all the crew on the Shannon has started and will continue over the summer both for those who will take the boat to sea, those who will maintain and look after her and those who will help to launch and recover her, both on station in Wells or at courses at the Lifeboat College in Poole. As part of this, it is expected that a relief SLARS launching carriage and a relief Shannon class lifeboat will arrive in Wells over the summer and will probably stay here until the new boat arrives and takes over.



New and old boathouses side by side

New and old boathouses side by side
19/6/22 MP

Cladding and signage added on the southern end of the building

Cladding and signage added on the southern end of the building
25/6/22 MP

Scaffolding coming down on southern end

Scaffolding coming down on southern end
28/6/22 MP

Southern end of building emerges from behind the scaffolding

Southern end of building emerges from behind the scaffolding
28/6/22 MP

Still business as usual... recovering the Mersey at dusk after an evening exercise

Still business as usual... recovering the Mersey at dusk after an evening exercise
28/6/22 MP

Boat hall and boarding platform

Boat hall and boarding platform
29/6/22 RW

Crew changing room with night lighting

Crew changing room with night lighting
29/6/22 RW

Crew changing room with night lighting

Crew changing room with night lighting
29/6/22 RW

Crew room with bench seating being installed

Crew room with bench seating being installed
29/6/22 RW

Crew room with kitchenette in place

Crew room with kitchenette in place
29/6/22 RW

Ground floor tea and coffee spot

Ground floor tea and coffee spot
29/6/22 RW

Engagement space... and the first of the display and information stands have arrived

Engagement space... and the first of the display and information stands have arrived
29/6/22 RW

A little history on the stairs up to the viewing gallery

A little history on the stairs up to the viewing gallery
29/6/22 RW

More new information boards

More new information boards
29/6/22 RW

Shower for returning ILB crew to quickly get salt and mud of their drysuits

Shower for returning ILB crew to quickly get salt and mud of their drysuits
29/6/22 RW

ILB shed with equipment store

ILB shed with equipment store
29/6/22 RW