Wells Lifeboat  RNLI Lifeboats Wells Norfolk UK

RNLB 13-46 'Duke of Edinburgh'

Photos of our new Shannon class lifeboat RNLB 13-46 'Duke of Edinburgh'

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Lifeboat being recovered on Holkham beach after service on 18/5/24
Lifeboat returning from service to Holkham beach, 18/5/2024
Launching for a night navigation exercise
Duke of Edinburgh heading out to sea in rough conditions
Duke of Edinburgh heading out to sea in rough conditions
Running in over the bar
Running back into harbour in rough conditions
Heading out past the harbour entrance in big waves
A good opportunity for the crew to get some experience of the boat in a sea
At the harbour entrance in moderate to rough conditions
Heading out over the bar in moderate to rough conditions
Launching on exercise force 5 northerly with moderate to rough seas... a change for the crew to try the boat in some weather
Turning the Shannon on the SLRS after the final launch to passout the crew
Recovery at Wells after the final launch for passing out the crew
Recovery on Holkham beach during crew passouts ready for the Shannon to go on service
'Duke of Edinburgh' in the new boathoue
Washing down the tracks on the SLRS before 13-46 is put away in the new Wells Lifeboat Station, 13/11/22
13-46 passing the now decommissioned old boathouse on 13/11/22
Inside the wheelhouse
Past and present crew, guild, families, friends and supporters celebrating the new boat and boathouse on Sunday afternoon
Public getting a look at the boat and a chat with the crew
Getting ready for a public viewing on Sunday morning
Getting everything spotless for a public viewing on Sunday morning
SLRS brings 13-46 onto the ALB ramp for the first time prior to being washed down and taken into the boathouse
The SLRS wades through the tide taking 13-46 round to the ALB ramp, near full moon passing close to Jupiter
Recovering two lifeboats at once on the south side of the old boathouse
ILB in support
Lifeboats,town and well-wishers celebrating the Shannon's arrival
Both lifeboats and the lifeboat horse
13-46 in the quay with the current Mersey class lifeboat
Fire hoses deployed
Fire hoses deployed
Oakley leading Mersey leading Shannon to the quay; 57 years of Wells' lifeboats together
Crew on the Shannon
Mersey leading the new Shannon to a quayside packed with well-wishers
Dressed overall and getting ready to run up to the quay
Wells Lifeboat and... Wells Lifeboat! Current and new alongside in the outer harbour
Mersey and Shannon alongside in the outer harbour for a quick brush up and to dress overall
Duke of Edinburgh with passage crew arrives in Wells harbour
13-46 off Wells on its passage home
13-46 (pink circle) arrives at the Wells cardinal buoy at precisely 13:46 local time (picture from SIMS chart display on-board)
3 Shannons... Lowestoft lifeboat 13-05 (l) relief lifeboat 13-40 (c) and new Wells lifeboat 13-46 (r) in Lowestoft
Crew depart from Wells with relief lifeboat 13-40 to bring 13-46 back from Lowestoft
13-46 at Tower lifeboat station on the Thames waiting for the Reflections parade
13-46 heading through Poole town bridge out to sea on a crew training course
Alongside at the Lifeboat college
Alongside at the Lifeboat college
13-46 'Duke of Edinburgh' during commissioning trials at the All-Weather Lifeboat Centre in Poole
Wells' new Shannon with the first of the new SLEP rebuilt Severn class lifeboats at the All-weather Lifeboat Centre in Poole
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials
13-46 on trials... we're grateful to Martin Phillips of the RNLI for these first pictures of the 'Duke of Edinburgh' at sea
The future 'Wells Lifeboat' on the pontoon awaiting systems commissioning, tests and sea trials
The future 'Wells Lifeboat' on the pontoon awaiting systems commissioning, tests and sea trials
And she's in...
13-46 afloat for the first time
13-46 afloat for the first time
Invited long-serving RNLI volunteers prepare to ring the bell to mark the completion of the build of the new boat
13-46 waiting to be lifted in for the first time
RNLB 13-46 'Duke of Edinbugh' is moved into position to be lowered into the water for the first time
Wells' volunteer crew members Ray West and Max Phillips with 13-46
An audience of Invited guests and staff from the All-Weather Lifeboat Centre
13-46 in position to be lowered into the water
A small audience of invited guests, staff and workers from the All Weather Lifeboat centre gathers
Reproduction of the Launch A Memory names within the operational numbers on the wheelhouse roof
Wells' new lifeboat celebrates the lives of 15000 loved ones within the decals on the hull and wheelhouse roof
Viewing the Launch A Memory names celebrated within the 13-46 decals on the boat
Setting up for the bell ringing ceremony as RNLB 'Duke Of Edinburgh' waits to be lifted into the water
Ceremonial bell in position in what has become a tradition as completed Shannons leave the factory
Magpie on the stern marking HRH Prince Philip's service with the Royal Navy
13-46 sitting ready with Wells Lifeboat on the stern ready for when she takes over at the station
Wells' new Shannon lifeboat waits to be lifted into the water for the first time
Wells' new Shannon lifeboat waits to be lifted into the water for the first time

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All images are copyright RNLI Wells Lifeboat station or as indicated and may not be reproduced, downloaded, printed, transmitted or reposted in any way without the prior written agreement of the station or the relevant copyright holder.