Allen at the helm with a boat-full of crew on his last exercise before retirement
Coxswain Allen Frary took Wells Lifeboat to sea today for his last exercise prior to his retirement after 42 years on the crew, 21 as Coxswain.
The boat made several crew changes in the outer harbour so that crew, launchers, station personnel and guests could all come aboard. VIPs included station Vice President Sarah, Countess of Leicester, Tom Hill, MOD Chairman of the Civil Service Lifeboat Fund (which has so generously raised funds towards the station's forthcoming Shannon lifeboat), as well as old friends and former colleagues from the RNLI.
Wells Mersey class lifeboat and D-class inshore lifeboat were joined off Wells by Sheringham Lifeboat and Cromer Lifeboat who cruised along the coast from their stations to give Allen a fitting send-off.
After recovery, a celebration was held at the Golden Fleece pub on the quayside which kindly provided drinks and a splendid buffet. Our thanks to all who came and helped to make this a special day and our best wishes to Allen for his retirement.