Members of Wells lifeboat crew have in recent years personally sponsored the town's Carnival Queen and Coxswain Allen Frary has been the regular VIP guest chosen to crown the Queen on the first day of festivities.
Things are no different this year except the Carnival Committee has generously decided to support the Wells Shannon Lifeboat Appeal as its principal charity in 2014, with a lifeboat-themed programme and fund raising events for the new lifeboat running all through the week.
Recovery of the lifeboat after an evening exercise on 12 June was interrupted for a photocall on the beach with this year's Carnival royals... Carnival Queen: Darci Boamah, Carnival King: Olly Parson, Attendants: Reece Matthews, Liam Knowles, Amber Richardson, Keeley Peacock and Chloe Scot.
Photocall for Carnival King and Queen following an evening training exercise
The Royal party posing with the lifeboat