Crew member's wife Amy Emerson brightened up the station's annual open day by gallently rowing 10km on a rowing machine in the ILB shed. Amy, who works at the Joint Effort gym, was attempting for the first time to row a similar distance to that which Wells Lifeboat would once have been rowed on a typical rescue. She completed her personal challenge in just 53 minutes and has raised an incredible £800 towards the Shannon appeal.
The open day itself got off to an unusual start when the pagers went off at 08:45 to call out the all weather lifeboat to assist a local yacht with engine failure on its way back to Wells from Blakeney. The yacht was safely moored in the outer harbour, and the lifeboat recovered and washed down, about 30 minutes before the open day was due to start so it was a slightly less organised event than normal. One or two people having a tour round the boat did comment that it was still a bit wet in places!
If you'd like to look round the lifeboats and meet some of the crew, please come along to one of our open evenings on Wednesday nights throughout the school holidays. We're promised delicious Dutch pancakes again from 6.30pm this Wednesday 6th August from crewman and Albatros chef Harmen Brauwer.
Cheering Amy on
Visitors and crew enjoying the sunshine and the burgers at the annual open day