Crew members from Wells Lifeboat helped to put up and unveil a new mural on Wells quayside yesterday in front of a small crowd braving the cold and windy conditions. Created as a community project by local artists Sue Rainsford, Toby Newman, Linda Pattrick and Hazel Ashley, the painting features a Wells beach scene and a Shannon class lifeboat which the RNLI hopes to bring to Wells in late 2016/early 2017. The design also includes some information panels about the new lifeboat and our appeal to raise £250,000 towards its cost before the end of this year.
After the unveiling, spectators made their way to the upstairs room at the Golden Fleece where there was small exhibition of art and more information about the Shannon appeal.
The hoarding covers the remaining plot left after quayside buildings were damaged in a fire in 2005. Materials for the project were donated by Jewsons in Fakenham and assistance was provided by KSP Specialist Decorators and crew members Ross Fulford and Keven Parr.
A small crowd on a cold, windy quayside
Wells Lifeboat crew members get ready
Crew members unveil the mural
The mural with artists (l-r) Sue Rainsford, Toby Newman, Linda Pattrick and Hazel Ashley