Relief lifeboat 12-005 Lady of Hilbre being washed down and recovered at Wells, 2/7/15
Wells Lifeboat 12-003 is lifted at Lowestoft Haven Marina, 3/7/15
A volunteer crew set off from Wells for Ramsgate on Monday 29 June to bring a relief lifeboat back to station on Tuesday, while our boat goes away for a small refit. The boat, Mersey class 12-005 Lady of Hilbre has just joined the relief fleet having served for many years as the Hoylake station boat until being recently replaced by a new Shannon class lifeboat.
12-005 was swapped over with our station boat last Thursday, with the boat being washed down and recovered into the boathouse while our boat was left moored in the outer harbour. Crew members then took our boat to Lowestoft early on Friday 3rd, where is was lifted at Lowestoft Haven Marina for onward transport by road to the new All-weather Lifeboat Centre at Poole.
It is expected that 12-003's mini refit will take around 6 weeks so the relief boat will be on station over the summer period.