Blakeney Old Wild Rovers present cheque to Wells RNLI
The Blakeney Old Wild Rovers presented Wells RNLI with a cheque for £4000 at a lively social evening at Wells Sailing Club this weekend. The shanty group has raised the money over the course of the last year at its gigs and through CD sales. The funds will go towards the cost of a new boathouse and launch and recovery equipment for the station's forthcoming new Shannon class lifeboat.
The cheque was presented by Brin Siller of the Old Wild Rovers to Deputy Second Coxswains Mark Frary and Martin Emerson, Mark's partner Charlotte Jordan and Martin's wife Amy Emerson.
The Old Wild Rovers raise money for a nominated charity every year and over 16 years have now raised in exceess of £190,000 for charities including the EDP Flood and We Care appeals, the King's Lynn Hospice and the air ambulance. This donation joins over £250,000 raised in 2014 and 2015 in a local appeal towards the cost of the new lifeboat and additional donations and fundraising towards the overall cost of the project.
An additional £190 was raised on the night from Jill and Peter Scillitoe who provided the catering and donated the evening's takings.
We'd like to thank the Old Wild Rovers and everyone for their continued support.